Screed Poliuretan Semen yang menghaluskan/meratakan tiga komponen.
A three component self smoothing/ levelling Cementitious Polyurethane screed.
Ideal untuk area yang mengalami keausan mekanis atau kimia yang berat. Dengan tuntutan higienis seperti dapur industri, toko roti, rumah potong hewan, perusahaan susu, tempat pembuatan bir dan umumnya di industri makanan dan area lainnya Lantai tahan kimia untuk proses kimia dan ruang cuci.
Ideal for area which are subject to heavy mechanical or chemical wear. With hygienic demands such as industrial kitchens, bakeries, slaughter houses, dairies, breweries and generally in food industry and other areas Chemical resistance floor for chemical process and
wash room.
*TDS : Technical Data Support